Every stroke patient is unique. And considering the fact every patient presentswith different cocktail of challenges, the onus lies on thephysiotherapist/assistant to thoroughly undertake a comprehensive assessmentof each patient taking into cognizance the patients needs as articulated by thepatient himself or herself.After a thorough assessment has been undertaken, the goals and treatmentprotocol become easy to draft. Remember that all the goals that are drafted instroke rehabilitation must be aimed towards the integration of the patient backinto the social set up. And this is a very critical and important goal: so vital thatno Rehabilitation approach could overlook, just as the psychosocial module ofhealthcare practice stipulates.On the contrary, the medical model of healthcare practice primarily focuses on thepatients clinical condition outside his social environment. Although thishealthcare approach also yields results clinically, it however fails to integrate thepatient back into the society or family. That explicitly explains my preference forthe psychosocial model of rehabilitation over the medical model during mypatients’ Rehabilitation.Essence of this App:The publication of this self-help handbook is intended to serve the long soughtafter dream of enlightening stroke patients on their condition and also assistingthem to quick recovery. Moreover, it is my fervent hope that the book would helpto ignite the burning desire in stroke care among Physiotherapist Assistants (inboth Orthodox and Herbal Centres) to embrace evidence-based practice andappreciate new trends in stroke care through simple illustrative diagrams andpictures.In light of the recent rise in the prevalence of stroke attacks among the youthfulpopulation, it is my desire that the information provided here would assist inalerting the youth also on the need for a healthier lifestyle change.